If it's unlocked, it's fair game

You walk the streets of a big city or a tourist attraction and you're immediately conscious and protective of your wallet, your purse, or that expensive camera you bought to take great photos. It's a known place of high threat for your belongings and pickpockets are on the prowl. We all hear horror stories of people getting scammed, robbed, or falling victim to pickpockets; even my own family has been a victim of this even after warnings before traveling. For the most part, people understand how these types of crimes are committed and some tips on what to do to prevent them.
Cybercrimes are much more challenging to protect against and these online thieves are becoming more and more creative as time goes on. This is one of the most written about topics I like to share via blogs, social media, and newsletters and it enrages me every time I learn of a new victim. Information about all of us is floating around the internet everywhere and our personal information is shared with tons of companies, their affiliates, and their employees. If you stop and think for a minute about all the people you've given your social security number to for a loan, a utility, an attorney, a credit card application, auto insurance, etc and the list goes on and on. Let's face it, our information is certainly out there and could easily fall into the wrong hands and get sold via the dark web.
What do I recommend you do right now? Freeze your credit immediately! Can this be a pain when you're going to apply for a new car or home? Of course, it can be an extra step, but a little bit of frustration is well worth it if you ever become part of a bigger plot to steal your identity and your assets. Â
How to go about it? Take a look and get started on protecting yourself and your credit:
Equifax: Click Here
Transunion:Â Click Here
Innovis:Â Click Here
Experian:Â Click Here
Of course, nothing is foolproof. Making it more difficult to get in helps a ton. Stay safe and be aware this holiday season.
If you haven't checked out my PennyWise Financial Podcast, watch a look at a clip from our latest show with guest Liz Biehler from The Liz Harley Agency with Allstate in Victor, NY. Scroll down to watch the entire episode. It's available on all major podcast platforms like Apple, Google Spotify, and YouTube.
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